Welcome Friends!

Learn more about us, our mission, and our beliefs

Who we are

A group of families came together in 2018 to start a Lutheran community church that not only worshiped together, but worked together to serve God, the community, individuals, and each other. Each person has God given talents that can be used to serve others. Our primary focus is about being a Body of Christ; a church body of people extending friendship, helping hands, and caring hearts to others. We are fun loving, Christ loving, and people loving!

Our Mission


Created by the father, redeemed by the son, and prompted by the spirit, we boldly serve and bless others with helping hands and caring hearts.


Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

What We Believe

We are part of the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

LCMC (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ) is an association of  congregations and individuals who are:

 Free in Christ;  

Accountable to one another; 

Rooted in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions; 

. . . And working together to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations.

LCMC is a centrist Lutheran church body, recognizing Scripture as the sole source and norm of faith and life, and therefore being a light to, rather than a reflection of, the world.

LCMC is congregationally based. It recognizes that the congregation, gathered around Word and Sacrament, is the church.

LCMC celebrates the priesthood of all believers at every level. LCMC also constantly strives to support and uphold the   pastoral ministry of the men and women called to serve its member congregations.

The LCMC web site, www.lcmc.net, has additional information, and includes a Statement of Faith, constitution and bylaws, educational and promotional material, and the LCMC newsletter. Written copies can be received by contacting the LCMC office. Additionally, please feel free to contact:

Rev. Mark Vander Tuig Service Coordinator mark@lcmc.net

or, the LCMC Board of Trustees at:

lcmcboard@ lcmc.net