
Extending a helping hand and caring heart

Outreach Projects

Extending Friendship Church loves to partner with the community to help fulfill needs. In the last year we have participated in several outreach projects:

We partnered with USG Interiors who donated ceiling tiles, and Extending Friendship Church installed a new ceiling in the Deer Park Community

This summer we worked with Deer Park Lions Club and SDWR to run a silent auction to obtain an autism dog for Nolan

We help with whatever we can as the need arises:

We Christmas Carol at local care centers

We help with yard clean up projects for people who are unable to do it themselves

We helped with tornado clean up in the Turtle Lake area

Check out the Extending Friendship Facebook page for pictures

Do you have a need request or want to participate in outreach?

If you have or know of a need in the community, and/or would like to participate in an outreach project, get in touch directly with the lead team at Extending Friendship Church using the form hosted below. We look forward to hearing from you!